HomeMy WebLinkAbout3760 HORSESHOE RDDDelaware General Health District Division of Environmental Health �ebub Wm wniee Aem,31Mw.P.PbmaOr6nm,O5wll0i5Mm.pM]MIPMPupM>a•IfM Addition/Remodel Application Pleme fill our Owfollaweng ssallenlnnso shot we maybetterserveyuv In lhaptcovs; Patpeny owner rv.me. 4M ot B. L e LYw,e.e Dopmy naaes 3960 He«e Mffe Rd City:pl/,.n.e Sbte: ei/.-. Zip: L9&S ToWnbip: 63r1 Pbpne: /— qYo �Lt-�atta- emau: aegaeslm Name' ///0 6 bin/< GLC ac Woo Adtlmv: -5'1Hl /✓.(a Nw.r�rc.,g,l Cuy:e,;,l mm:�,47 w z3, Towmbip: Pnaae:fe/Y3L/4 His email: wberc wowa rw Iig<me Imm xm? (Emul Iq,aag<nmmmamal 1prWerlY.amemlower) talus syntesquditioNremodcUawwaory buiWmgu being propwM? (Pkuebess spsifc es pwaiblc syptl aqua foomxc mc.) .i a..vswe ofscwage aysmm do you currency love. dbmwn? 1. DN rbc pmlxaoy in gnwion saeivc Its final sewage permit approval wiNin the Iasi year or curtenlly bavc an open permit? o Yw(Pkare auk ser Wako nSnamm) qNo 3. Wall the building you are ccwpucang be a movable anucmm? If yes, o Yea (PI,,,, we la q,,k . No 3, Is the only aalawn to Nc property a fmcc? o Yea(pit" ark to Jpak 0 a Sarllalm) XNO ,2Y-l�K )d%O ,d4'11ln' Pte S"Baume 4. Wi0lhendditioNr=Wd be ph ed on an existing harclscape? Note'. Fm ima, no pardon ofthe new am may go beyond the existing compere's border. (Example I. Awom is being adtled to a home anal will be put where an existing disk exists anal will not extend beyond the border of Ne outing club. Example 2. Adak ti bang add<tl native "set Iwetion often eluting patio aM will na "lend beyond Me alder of Me existing Patio.) I4es(Pleme ask w,Pfd b o Sanmlm) oNo Ple•,• provide a skarh plea on a sepnm sham ofpaperm skach the addhion/remadel below: Plisse have the arm for the additioNwismul Mag od or marked in some only an Ne ehe. A SIOp.pp fee is dere el Ne time of lh<eabmiOSl W Nu epplieatim. Typieol tummwM lime fm Ne wild you mid nyquesti3-5 stays. 1T<Sanimrimrmpomible fa your tow�nhip will be inwntsct wild you ehoultl any questions arise timing the prcev. 1 agree that I have road Ne above and submit my fee accordingly. SiOtaturc:�Dow USE ONLY---- EealptCode: 1339CUM Key: 00151534 Comity Object: 4303 EDI&EAS1 Receipt g: Dad: R villi ed by: EK DDIS Entry by: Deh: a- 49 D Delaware General Health District and 3 Wen Winner . Street • B ox P O DO o 43015-0570 Q4o)368-170FaxQIO)a68-V36 Delaware General wdebt'mreM1nlN.org Health District Shelia L Kill RN. MS Health Comsn)VRB,0d014 Linda a Haney 3760 Haseance Ra. Delaware, OR 43015 all Cal Y 3750 HansM10 s all They Tameable, Delaware Caurrty Dear Mn. Harry The submXME inormarion b propose a garage over an cool Erie. The pmpued location Mthe ganga wauld not intMBra Wth the was or secondary SIS Please be named hopecar, thet this inspa ion is a snapenot In time and In no way guarantees hours perbmanca Mrhe SITE PIgse ensure all construction "Me clays; dear of STS. N them is damage to Me STS during consWNon, or the STS at any bene creates a public heats numbers. repair or replacement ver be repaired re K m'ornmmdW by Me Demean General Healthy Bhwcr that a beneficialness toms AS m Pi or aapann me coeabucNm ane fide Ne[paha area and NmW all The rNXaYr mypoaN daanage dome W the sg le reasons and waW W. )RON Forced Yeah mhunit"Mung pemut-NO WNDITONS. ❑ OkWeFrusaiN Tl naturEulldN&Fmut BEwrthE TO CALFO eboveWbe unatelpuntofiralomaSE Nspatim. BE SURETOCALLFOR MOVUyaON ONCE THESE ITEMS NAVF BEEN CYIRR2CIED AND PROVIDE MSPFCTION CARD ON SITE FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT SIGN OFF. PLEASE COPT THIS LETTER FOR YOUR ZONING AND BUILDING OFFICIALS AS NEED ED It you neve any 5uonems, please armed me directly at 7404W -2(M3 sma�ny� Dusenahrum .s Ressidenln seMcn Unit DBlewen General Hnnn DIaMe "Healthy, People, Healthy Habits, Healthy Cnmmanhie r- Envimmmen al Health - Plumbing • Keep Calaoorc Count' Floured Vital Statistics • Clinic Son ices • Health and Safety Education • baIC Print map Delaware County Auditor's GIS Once Page 1 of 1 Disclaimer InNmnanon trimmed others this ship or be used to pemnlM Ixaee la.ntlly ane Inventory lana partnawanm morias comes. mbwan County unn% mmas or promoter, the Imfwmatbn Contains raises, Im[IYdmp, An not limited to its ,ccurver or mmpaYwv. The map parcel lens shown areapp admab and his Imbmutien mmot he constructed or used as a legal dissents ofd parol. To New smrwa daumena, son (Amey aeeudels mhsae at hup://emv.tr emewas.oh.0 mu,riornndee.mml shell prim Ia current she ofnps rpm. Ahmed en 4/9/201411:53:02 PN Prepared by: Delaware Counts Rudapls 015 Oarcs. h tilJ/131.18].129.83/print_ larlicaspOUAL=Mtp:// gis-map41... 4/9@014 FEES$ SERVICES$ & HDIS INPUT SHEET FOR SEWAGE RELATED FEES System Location/Owner Location: 37(20n -v54 sL f 7RJ - A s City Zip f I Tovm5ltip Owner Name: tR. `"Ll/�C\ / V" 40wSE5(ec. �ej 1{x.1 -S' / Address City Zip Telephone# SERVICES & FEES SumUR count/ county Rnl$ Fw P0a RAw W% PMw RxJ U, o CMu Om Our Ob� $1030) SEWAGEAm4cENT PROPERTY TRANSFER INSPECTON 1935] I M2NM4 4203 Aa 1700) SEWAGECOLIECTORTIIEPUNRENEAI 1=1 7W51524 4213 SE5 SEWAGE HEALTH DEPT FEE SINWICE IMRi I Tmism 4203 XOFI m SEWAGE INSTALLATIONAMRATION PEW 18394 7ms15U MIR HST6A $525.0) IMP 70351524 4903 INTSW 1603 SEWAGE VNO APPLICATION PER ACR 13ml ]0391524 42M SVP $ROOM SEWAGE LOT FEASIBILRYI NSPECTON 13759 ]m515M 43m LOIPI $1IDW SEWAGE LOTSPLITPUNPEVIEW PER LO 13218 7035152 4303 SPR $12060 6ENUGE LOT SPUT SRM REVIEW FEE (PER LORD 13203 R2RIM4 QM 56R 45040 SEWAGE PENALW FEE -INSTALLOTIONMAO PERMIT WN 132]3 7035152 4303 PENIF $503.00 SEWAGEPENALTYFEE-IXMALVTpNWN PERMnN 13258 ]035152 <M PEND SEWAGEREOION4LPWI4INGSUBOMSION 13299 ]0)9152 U13 PDR $ BOND SEWAGEREINSPECTIONME BMMNSHIP 132M 7035144 42M REIN $$03.00 SEWAGEREMCOEUADOIM)II SYSTEM INSPECTION 1320 A2PM4 4303 RAST 1 1700) SEWAGERE6IOENMLPWIREVIPN MEN ]039144 42H3 6M $i 003 SEWAGE SFOSTSINSTALIATION ALTERATON PERMIT 1416 AABR M 4SM SEA $52800 SEWAGE SFOSTB INSTALUNNON PERMIT 13248 ]m515M 4303 SFOS1$' SEWAGE$EMWUBLP OPERATIONAL PERMIT 1325 ]035144 432 PDR) SEWAGESFOSTSPIANREVIPN IM491 7025144 4213 SFPR $45000 6ENA13ESFOSTSPEN4ttFEE 1403 ]0751034 43M 6FPF W FROM SW.m SEWAGESFOSTSPBN WIFEEN4W 515M 43M TB $ 03.00 131w MSiSM 43M SERE $ WON SEWAGE SFOSTS SITE RGEVAL 1491 ]23182 42M 6FSRE $40.03 SEWAGE BFPSTS BITE REN EW 132W MS15M 4303 SF5A 1]11.03 SEWAGE 6FGSTS SE, EVA 13274 7035152 42M SFSE $1203 SEWAGE SIZE INSPECTION 132M RD51524 4203 6E1 $ W.m SWAGE SITEREEVALUATION 13247 ADSiSM 1 4203 6810 $12000 SEWAGE SIE REVIEW 13115 MWIM4 I ROD SE1 $12.00 SMASESOILENAUJAMN 13244 7QARP4 6E] $ Wm SEWAGE TANK ABAKC MMEW PRIPECT10N 132U 275146 4203 TAI 3 75.W SEWAGEVARW � � - 1324 725144 4254 VAPP Sy1V O..HJJNLl 4LCF l vwar«oOx Tnnnrvll.& NTAL: IOJ' HOTS: ONLY FEEB LIBlE01NTXE'FEE' LmMWIL'BECINRGEOiOT1ELL6TOMERATIXEPMEIHE PERMIT 15155UF➢ 6 NRPRPN3RESPOWIGILIYTOCBTNNPLLREOWREDDDLUMEMS&SECURETOTHEAPPROVEDSEPTICPERMITPRpRToNTHECUSMMERPICKUPFRE IF ANY REQUIRED SERVICE WAS PAID PRIOR TO ISSUING WE PERMIT. PROVIDE THE DATE PAICEIPT NUMBER IN THE SPACE ALL09EO. ANYSERVICEVTLlMDTOCFW CRMWKEDPNOSTPFTIWUINGWEPERASSUMETFESESERVICESMiERENORREQUIRED. NOTE: IFANYDOCUMEMSARE]OBERMRNED70T WSMWRITISV HEIPFULIFTHOfiEDOCUME AREIINO WIPPED70GEMERADY aEl DA68UCH. D Delaware General Health District 1 and 3 Wast Winter Ohi Street P.O. BOR 5]0' Delaware, Ohio 43015 - 0510 p90)3 www d Fax p40)th.org 36 www. delewereheanM1.org Detlica(ed to Your Heatlh Frances M MPH HeaI1h Commissioner October 14, 2011 Rlcty N. Chu" 3760 Horseshoe Re Delaware, OH 43015 Ra: AddiOon M 3760 HOrsespoe Rd., Trey Township, ONaware County Dear Mr. Church: Per Hoped, on October IP.2011, 1 inspected the sewage treatment assume (US) at the above referenctddidnery. This inspecUpn was conducted in onderto ensure that the ndtlltion me "M porch did not encroach on the exacting or secondary STS area. On that We, the STS was in proper wort order and ft was determined that the proposed location ofthe construction would not interfere with the existing or secondary STS. Please be advised, however, that this Inspection is 8 mepsbm In time and In no way guarantees furore performance of the STS. Please ensure all construction Soffit stays Geer of the US. M there Is damage to the STS during conshruc on, or tithe STS N any tine creates a public health nuisance, repair or replacement will be houir d. ttk RCommMded by Me Oelawase Geneol though DISWO All Me Migi tank be pumped omen needed. Ok W posond wall ZmOM/6mgull pwmat-NO CONDITONS. ❑ okmpra®1wiW ZnnirlMSmilWngpenrdt but wiW mnWdms mons above mbe mnPECTIO rw CE HESE I y MS HAVE A n. BEEN COO CALL FOR MSPELTI WONCETHESERFMS HAV EOR H CORRECPEDAND SIGN OJE MSPELTION CAPD ON SRRFORHEALTH DFRARTMENT SIGN OFF. PLEASE COPY THIS LETTER FOR YOUR ZONING AND BUILDING OFFICIALS AS NEEDED. N you have any cerebial please ormad Me Wrea1y 9746203-20]0. Sincere `— ri✓ Michael Roger. R.S. R sideMal Services WH Delaware General Health District "Annual People, HeakFY Haald, Healthy Comm edges" Eanrmmeobl Hea1W • Plumbing' Kxp Mlawue Ccunv]w uW W Vim Sunedcf • Clam tuirmes • Hi emit Sefery EEuxdm' WIC • Help Me Grow ® Sam LAND SMEY/NC SERVICE SUOMI 1 T3 NMh Sendu9Ky Street Pral 7463699577 Kill B GOXmeq PS 7W Delaware, OM1p 43015 FAX: 74C 3M!7577 181wr Oral P38183 Refired. FrI Carl P.S. M12 SITE PLAN FOR KEITH CHURCH ALL OF LOT 141 & PART OF LOT 140, FOUTS SUBOMSION, PLAT BOOK 13. PAGES 69-90 70Y TONWSHIP, DELAWARE COUNTY, OHIO 3760 HORSESHOE ROAD BENCHMARK: MAG NAIL SET IN HUB IN GROUND. ELEVATION=06.87 DATUM: ASSUMED. '1 F.F.E.=107.6 i.O.B.d08.6 F.C.E.�lO6.0 CARAf.E=106.0 DETAIL F eER�99.J HEIGHT OFWALL=7J + 2677 BABA r F(O W..6 MW Sl FLOW ZONE 1LVpv�� H I Oy i0wnship 4 I IDS OF pBHO: ISI x�// Axe PROPOSED ELEVATQVS PROPERTY LOCATED AS SHOO PER TTEMA NO. 390146-0110 =. FEES, SERVICES, & MIS INPUT SHEET FOR SEWAGE RELATED FEES System Lorsdon/Owner L«.dDB: 3746 /b seslwe RJ. AdAe4 Lkl 0011 Toy City Zip ownm p "s5MDT, Mo IWW S 171M 4MW 453SW 15tO 1mm 1MM siz.w Mal LDeaN &rn SEWAGE AUJRCFM PROPEXLYiMxsfERN&£CIICN SEWAGEOOUX ORn1EFWIRE4nW SEWAOEHMINOEPFFEE3 CE SEWAGE INSiP 11011 ALIEMnpI NEW SMAGEINSTALIAnONPERgrt &dVAGE IANOAPR1Gixw SEWIGELOTFFASAMMlNSFEC139x sflV LOTSRnPVII REMEW IA MRSIMFEEKRLOn balq CaG 1]tE7 13311 1=0 1T 19335 13)01 13355 ims 1]199 Cu O K 1025141 NMM5 7251 521 i0351m 70251534 ]V613N ]%G51IN 11MIM IMM M CueHY Obtl 1309 4313 R03 403 4MM 403 RON 411] 4A3 min FYP 1w WaIW NU M NOV HVW NBRV SlM LOM &PR SM 51 EENAOEPEHKIYFEE-R9TNIAlIC11 WrJPEfdR AL 1339 70351R 40f FBSR .w S SD].M SMAGE PENLLtt FFE -INST MONM PEP.WT 13363 7035IM RIM NLT SPN &HG3UBCM&ION 1RC9 1115135 413 PUN s mm MINWECIION 1959 403 615.5 IRMA MMODErnMMO W 3EWAGERENOGEVPLO 19x63 7M81SM iMNSM u13 0.ASI W, s 1A.M RINIlENwSPEGnox SEWAGE RESICEMVL%PNRENEW 19340 155155 uv sM s4mm SEWAP£SFGSI&IXBIAWMN KIFnAIN'R4R]OBf 1FN ]58344 4YG 8FA 4599 SEWM£SFG'IS IX&TANATIXI FEIWrt ,SMB i2814I 4Y6 SFp518' &MIGESMWMMCWEMTgWLFERMF - 1345 ]MMM 4111 SIMM SMAGEWOMSPVn NEVELC 1349 1531511 4%B ;FM $4MN) M3NAGEVO513 q]LV.x FFE 1353 7025144 4E SEEP W RCM $S =MW 3EWAGESFOSISPEWLLTYFF£ 1494 ME15M 4MA IM 4,BO SEWAGE SFOSRIiE£VN X 1497 758144 Rm 9 5M &EWA 1491 RIM 402 SFGRE 81305 WOSMSrtEREEVII SEWAGE &FOSTS&IIE REVIEW 1]MO M3Et44 MINIM iY8 SF&R 31M.M &PNAGESF0818S LW 13n4 1026164 144 SFSE tm.w SEWA(@SIIE IN&PECn9N 1489 753154 453 SEt moo 8rt\5'AC£srtERE£J NON 1357 756165 134 ff10 1M.M &EWAf£&rtERETSEW 1433 155154 413 SEt siMW SEW /&E 601LEVPLWIION 18'LM 705144 44 SE7 S MW sEWAGETANKABA DONNEMINWE11ON ]024 531511 403 TV W,SO EEVIAbE VM 1]253 7531531 AZ34 V 65Hb�E Gvb: �'� 1 1s5]br Tremmils NOIE OHLY FEE3 OIN7NE'FEE'CCIIMX WILLBE CINRGEOTOn1EGI5TCMERATTXE MIEn1E PEPMIT IS SNEO. 3 MMVHSRESPglBlL11YTGMTNNALLREOUMDGCCLME SSECUREMn1EMPR DSEMCPERMITPRIORTOFTACIN3 1NT CUSTCMERNCKLPFILE. IFMYREWIMDbENNCEWMPMOM M MI63NNGTIEPER ..PN Mi EMMPNOB ME PT NUMBER IN THE SPACE ALLOIEO. AXY EWCCE NOT U3 DM CHWGE ORM1MRHEO PNO� STIFF IMUING TIE PEPN m HEV SEOCCESE RE OTROQURCLIFP£ONWETFFIIID W5n1AE11.1753ERY fMELBPF L I�ABEIFDKSUCHRENRNEONnIE H //n +A D Delaware General Health District 1 and 3 West Winter StreetP.O. Box 6]0' Delaware, Ohio 03015-05]0 (]60)366-0]00 Fax '.l]aor1T% www. tlelawareheafth alth.ory Dedicated to Your Heetth F rvers. MPH Health Commissioner e Mach 30, 2010 Ricky K. Carob 3760 Horseshoe Rd. Delaware, Ohio x3016 Re: Proposed Deck at 3760 Horseshoe Rd., They Township, Delaware County Dear Mr. Church'. Per the request 0 Robert D'Andrea of D'Andrea Hone Improvements. I inspected the above ack res on Mamh 30, 2010. This inspection was conducted In order to ensure that the proposed slmdu s did net encroach on the existing orscondary STS area as well as the private water system (RMS) If apldlcable. On that date, the Si was in properworking order and peryour constmaion plans.ltwas determined! net the proposed location of Ne structure would net Interfere with the aforementioned items. Please be advised, however, that this Inspection is a snapshot in gme and In no way guarantees future pedomance 0the STS. Please ensure all construction traffic stays clear of the STS erg PWS. If them is damage to the either system during construction. organs 515 Many time creates a public health nuisance, repair or effacement will be equimtl. Enclosed is a copy Of the Original permit and Whet Information pertaining to your sewage system. Please ksep this Information for your records. Ok to proceed with Zoning/Building permit - NO CONDITONS ❑ Ok to imposed with Zoning/Building permit but with conditions noted above to be contained] prior to final occupancy inspection. BE SURE TO CALL FOR INSPECTION ONCE THESE ITEMS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED AND PROVIDE INSPECTION CARD ON SITE FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT SIGN OFF. PLEASE COPY THIS LETTER FOR YOUR ZONING AND BUILDING OFFICIALS AS NEEDED. If you have any questions, please feel hee to contact me directly a 740-20}20%er As email a isaggaglidelawareheafthout. Sincerely, James e& s Residential Services Unit Environmental Health D'wi5on Delaware General Health District 'Heal People. Heal Hal Hea4Ay Cwvnuniul Environmental Fhellb' Pluesbina' Keep Delawm Cooney recoil Viet Smunies' Clime Services' Hu1N ast Safety Education' WIC' Help Me (mmv APPLICATION FON PLOW TO INSMtL �I NDUSENCLD SENAOL UlS MAL %Y%TLN N0.. Prperty w phone _ _. . _. herMY applies $orra Dered, P t � ert tv I!Y a mono'.„L��1A q: disposal system located m paper - t n - ` ou n d"Aon lot number Y age.tlt I agree to mnstrucl. InSfell and operate the household � �•.��¢dqe disposal system In accordance with regulations ]poa.,2 — of the i Li tvJ'nuolY department of Nmlth. I have received .m interpretation oitimrsr• 1_s mum regulations and understand the Pruvle1005 contained therein. I further agree that I will tall for the final inspection and approval of uP^uDepartment of Health of this installation at least Wen[y- mor( Ilii of a advaMe of 115 be mg cover on wiM Porth .md a least ben ty- four (7d) hours is advance of its he l ny pl aped I operation. This permit expires one year from date of issue. APPliCdAt s gna[ure OFFICE USL ONLY Permit Issuedl`'�, house number s[reel �” Fee Paid gZza5 i/Ai d4 c ty� tum:---`FITT`nfd l`r �r vert •r9netwe phone date The plot plan required by this fequlation may be prepared on time reverse side. The plan shall contain the follwmg' (1)• The shape and dimensions Of the lot with the location of lot lines. bodies of water• ditches 'drain file and all easements. (2) The size. location and construction of tine household Sewage d1[POndl System elocation of all water saDp lie% within 100 feet of dry component Of (l) Me household sewage disposal System on this or adjacent Toe (A) LloO and number Of dve tl ball units and bedroom served by this Sys Lee.em. (5) The percentage Sl evaluation and general drainage pattern of the Ip t. (b) Soik limitation evaluation. Site Approved �� Disapproved Ln, tartan ___Q,LtiC — r— ature 11 "1 Inspection Approved 'DISaPPrOYPd Ja cite e SI Sanl4 rl en --- - .IgnaawrP e> !.! ({�§ &, ! � e> Delaware General Health District 1 and 3 WestWinter Ohio Street P.O. box 6]0' Delaware, Ohio 4301 0570 (]40)366-1]00 aFat wareh40)368-173]36 E) www. delawarehealth.oq Dedicated to Your Health F MPH H aM Commissioner Ricky Church 376014ormslwe Road Delaware, Ohio, 43015 DCN Mr. Church: Cur April 27, 2006, The Dosed of Health of she Delaware General Health Internet took action pursum to Section 122 of the Household Sewage Disposal Reim to approve the miance for yew properly. The verbose request is for rule 102 p rag,aph (C), which states,"Each household sewage disposal system shall serve ace dwelling on an individual lot and shall be properly maintained by the owner. All the sewage from the dwelling shall discharge into the system." Mr. Church wishes to build a new resistance A 3760 Horseshoe Road, while fining in the Meant residenu otD the completion of bis new residence. TM new residence would utilitu she present on site system. The system was intoned in 1984. Mr. Church is asking that he would be able to reside at the present home until the new dwelling is built and then remove the older home. The 13omd of Health approved this variance request with the following condition: 1. neexistinghomem=tt =ov�widgn30&ysofoccupocyof the new dwelling. If you have my questions conceming the variance or conditions plastic call. Our once hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Sinca<ly, `Dust < .FA.,g Program Manager -Residential Services Unit Delaware General Health District "Healthy People, Healthy Habits, Healthy Communities" ViW Serious • Clinic Sema a Health and Sawry Education- WIC - Help Me Grow Environmental Health • Plumbing' Keep Delaware Counry Beautiful AFFIDAW BMM of mh Counbos Delaware BEFORE ME, Me undersigned Notary /MAAH Jo .loawr.. ,on Ma 13 data Axil.20ot parsanalryappemed Rickv Keith & Brenda A. Church . known to me 0 lw a credible pored ant of lewMl age, who being by me nrst duly swum, on hi a & her ]bis or her]oath deposes and days Once" here gained occupancy or our new lame located at 370 Horseshoe Road, Delaware, OH, the old home wlnhe remoyedwhnm 30days otsuch dome by LUV Homes per our contract agreement with LUV Homes. We (Church's) MV dhSM n Awe ro Milking sure that this is carded out within 30 days of said time senators pm our valance ruling "was will need to make other arrangements M have the home removed ounhinim �7.ct&Af' �_da W , tappet or.rrmm] raignatmaorall Ricky Ketih Church Brenda A. Church pypetl name oleFmrd) pypednameotai 3760 Horseshoe Road Delaware. OR (addresso/8rflants) sabsmcedana swore to Beare ren this (3TJ day of%r';I .xg OL reAna olM#eryl Mary JO Johneon c J. Ja Ads•, rksery lTaNc-swE�ai�aeen� Is pypadrremewHmary) ,,� A Myr 200k My commission expires'. Ak,IY,20Dc 04/13/2086 06:27 )48]262986 LN M 61110 'OeM 02 I3 eleaare Gudmel H<ilW piamnt RE'. Reith and RlmL Church 3760 Horseshoe Read, Delaware, Obba3015 ibis xill fern w notification duel Homes laattl at 7127 WJ6o Delaave R4e4, Wdda Ohio 43356 is ted 600der for tide above pumhamn. Lev Homes ages m VVEI ON Mme witldm 30 Lys N1m uccd9aneY Bryan T1am Genual Mem9er me We//t Ly of Z"/F.Y2 Y dnry Pobl In and lwdM1e BIa1001One = My Cmrmnai94 EWita Mrcommman>i9+m: 6T � 7 127 WaUd Detasrm Road, W4 , Oh10 433567d0.7269755a740-7263986 D Delaware General Health District 1 and 3 west winter Street P.O. Box 5I0' Delaware, Ohio 43015 —05]0 (740)368-1700ma4013804]38 Decimally Your Health www. tlelawawereh.arg nelth E Health Commas oner Note change of meeting from April 25, 2006 to April 2], 2006 Note change of meeting from April 25, 2006 to April 27,200 April 18,2006 Ricky Church 3760 Horseshoe Road Delaware, Ohio 43015 Bear Mr. and Mm. Church: On April 12, 2006, the Subdivision Nariame Subcommittee of the Board of Health of the Delaware Genial Health District voted to recommend approval of Yom variance request. The re toned was in regards of living in than ptesem dwelling while building your new dwelling on the same lot This approval bad conditions: • Signed Affidavit stating intent to remove existing dwelling within 30 days of occupancy of newer dwelling • Signed Affidavit from the new owner ofthe older structure that it is removed from your property within 30 days ofoccupanty of the newer dwelling. These affidavits have been turned into our officeas ofnoon on April 19,20M. Please be aware, this is only a recommendation of approval for the Board of Health to consider at its regular meeting in April. The actual approval or disapproval of this sid divislonivarfance will come from the Board of Health at its regular meeting on April 27, 2006 at 7:00 P.M. in 1 W Winter St, in the BoardRoom. Therewillbe a sign by the elevator to direct you in the appropriate meeting room. If you have any questions, Please call. My office hours arc 8:00 A.M, to 5:00 P.M. weekdays. S IY. JJ i �L`CKf Duster Y, R.S. Resubmit] l Services Unit Delaware General Health District "Healthy People, Healthy Ha63u, Healthy Communities" visit Statistics ' Clinic Services • Health and Safety Education • WIC' Help Me Draw Environmental HmW • Plumbing • Kap Delawares County Bumifid Oelawme County Auditors GIB Office Page 1 of 1 PARCELMFORMAnoN PMCELNO. 5191NOW120M TAX DISTRICT OIn TAKIO H0395B0 PROPERTY CV55 510 ACREAGE 0W0 OMERI CHURCH RICO OWNER BRENDA AOORESS1 370 HORSESHOE AO ADDRESS DELAWARE CH 43015 MAIIHAMEI CHURCH PUNY MARNAME2 BBENBAA MAIL ADDRESS I 37W HORSESHOE RD NAIL ADDRESS 2 DELAWARE W 43015 IEG>LOFSCRIP]ON LOC' 1 0PI.101 ^ YEARBNLT 2B'B^ YEARREWDEIEO B TOTALAREA 1916 STORYHEICM 2'M TOTALROONS 6 1014 BEplMMS 3 TOTAL FAMILY ROOMS 1 TOTAL DINING RWMS TOTAL NATE BATH 0 TOTAL FULL MTM 2 ATT[ NONE BASEMENT PART RECREATION ROOM AIR CONDITIONING CENTRAL NGOFFIRERVdE HEATINGTYPE MSE GMCETYPE C GRAOEADWITMEM GRADEAOIUSTMENTFACTOR 2 ERVE INMRMATION SAIESWTEI 2WW210 SVESMIOUNTE SURRUND SAIESOATE2 SAIESAMOUNT2 0 MMNET LAND VALUE 251W MARKET IMPROVEMENT VALUE 1201M TOTAL MARKET VALUE 145200 TAYAGEMNDVAWE 8350 TAXABLE IMPROVEMENT VNLE 42M0 TOTALTAKPMEVALUE MOGO CAW VALUE 0 MINML TAX NAME - TTual NO awM IrcYOBp Penaltles WuJ apeOM lWMMWT AOMINISTMTEVE INFORMATION MUMCIPALT' TOWNSHIP 20OY XIpOL DLSTRIC! DELAWARE NEIGHBORHOOD CODE 44001 SUBDIVISION NAME FC3TSSUB owaf MMM NO N30/20102: 02:09M [wpx?pit 5191000601MO 3/30/2010 print map Delaware County Auditor's CIS Office Page 1 of 1 yc, r y ' l 'd e •� cls Disclaimer tnbrmMlon communist within this map may be usM W generally laett.Idemlry and Immbry NM sank stay Ceaware count. Deawre Cmhyu a, gut theft Information connotes lertln, Incising, Wt me mita mm compete proximate an am rarmem, cannot de anttrvttM or um1 as a final Jaa pti , V a parts. To v a, mcoNM d,,,mma, asa County 0.emNetz weealrd el hcp://www,w d oware M.uyrtWMeNlndex Mml MMI pride Is carr[ as o/ Ppnl 2009. Nmb1 an 3/302010 2:03:40 M Mmise by: 0a&ware Cassidy Audnars G19 pfi[e, hap://—hup://�is-motel... 3/308010 a_/off ��'" �'��"�' �9� - ���� ® SC/OTO LAND SNHYEY/NC SEBY/CE 4 s umayons V3Nonn Ora 8at91 Phone: 74080 37577 Karen S Coflmyl, P.5. 7M5 DBlewere.Ohla 43n1015 FMk74038p- 7577 nedrm1 m,m , rute my P. act SITE PLAN FOR s KEITH CHURCH ALL OF LOT 141 k PART OF LOT 1I0, FOUTS WINHIA ION, PIAT BOOK 13, PAGES bg—W My TOWNSHIP, DELAWARE CWNTW, OHIO 3760 HORSESHOE ROAD S "L WIND. LOT __-- ROOD UNE 4S qe §Y 3-; "� m lw� �` Y � I F.F.E-107.6 T.O6.-fw..6 F.G.E-1060 DETAIL CARAT- 16¢0 FOOTER -92.J RCTwr OF WAu-zJ 38.0 fibl (r FE00%AW.a MW SLOPE &UX s' „ 4.0 Quo wo 0 02 DpAO wg JIM- ibu 3� p� ADpru,d rruy TDWnshIC :7rDr�leq !-` ;pectw 3 lap uxxx- PROPOSED ELEVATIONS PROPERW LOCATED AS SHOWN PER FEMA NO. 3g01b-0110 *, Cantroctar most stabilize the construction anlrance. Homeoener must proMda and maintain srelPl * protection and sediment apntra during all Phases of amslmelbn. There are no peaeetrlde Pathe en this property. This site plan rem ents the bullda/e and homeowner's desired grading plan and was not deWgnW by Scloto Land Surveying SrAce. Inc. Dnve.ay and Unity locations through lot@ are not to run over proposes sewage treatment areas (prancer er ondory) unless alternate areas are approved by the Delaware General Heol@ DInmcL BE ABASED: A sub—carioca drainage systam may asset an this atts, The "tem and/or outlet n leaded en arta property, must be mearbained at at thou